Welcome to all of you to this last day of our virtual multi language workshop of the European Youth Week. This is the part of our virtual 2021 European Youth Week intended for language lovers. Here you’ll find links to interesting and funny language websites that may surprise, excite, and delight you. We end this virtual multi language workshop with tricky tongue twisters. At the following website you find tongue twisters from almost 50 languages: https://www.alphadictionary.com/…/tongue…/index.html But of course, tongue twisters are only funny if you try to say them or if you listen to them. On Youtube you may find numerous examples, as for instance these 70 people trying 70 tongue-twisters from 70 countries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI1J2bbbOt4 Please feel free to contribute to today’s virtual workshop by commenting on the above or perhaps by adding small recordings of other tough tongue twisters from your own language (with translation). I hope you have enjoyed this week’s virtual multi language workshop and hope to see some of you in real life at future European Youth Weeks.
Best regards Susanne, Denmark